Monday, November 23, 2009

God's jewels of comfort

From Psalm 23

"The Lord is my shepherd"
God's comfort message...God will care for you and be your personal shepherd if you ask Him.
For: Someone who needs care

"I shall not want."
God's comfort message...God will provide for you.
For: Someone who has any need...physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually...
facing fears of "not having"

"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He lead me beside the still waters"
God's comfort message...He leads you to a quiet place in your life (He gives peace).
For: Someone overwhelmed by busyness and constant unrest..someone weary

"He restores our soul"
God's comfort message...God will heal your soul
For: Someone who is wounded and beat up from life or relationships with others

"He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake."
God's comfort message...The Shepherd has the greatest wisdom to lead you.
For: Someone trying to make big life decisions

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."
God's comfort message...You don't have to fear evil even in the valley of the shadow of death...God is still God no matter what happens to you.
For: Someone facing crisis and a life-threatening situation

"For you are with me"
God's comfort message...The Shepherd is with you (you are not alone no matter what you feel or things seem like).
For: Someone who feels overwhelmed with lonliness or feels rejected by others or feels like a failure

"Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me"
God's comfort message...The Shepherd's rod and staff provide security and protection for you.
For: Someone fearful regarding their safety or the safety of someone they love

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies"
God's comfort message...God is God and He is greater than any of my enemies.
For: Someone afraid of harm from being harassed and oppressed by enemies

"You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over."
God's comfort message...God anoints you with His grace and love and wants HIs blessing to overflow in your life.
For: Someone who is doubting that they are of any value or lovable

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life"
God's comfort have a future full of HIs goodness and forgiving love.
For: Someone fearful, anxious and stressed about what's ahead for them or someone they love

"....and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"
God's comfort message...there is someplace wonderful for you after you leave this life.
For: Someone facing death or someone you know that is facing death

Pray for this person in need of comfort...if you don't know how to pray, try this...

"Holy Spirit of Truth, my Comforter, speak Your life-giving love message of comfort to ____________ right in this moment as You have done so many times for me.
I surrender myself to You completely and will do whatever You tell me to do so that ____________ experiences Your comfort. If you want to use me to speak Your words, I am willing....if you want me to give something that would communicate Your comfort, I am also willing....or if you only want me to continue quietly interceding, then I am willing. Anoint _________with the soothing oil of your comfort and blessing that they may see Jesus, the Great Shepherd, and want Him more deeply in their life.
In Jesus' name.

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