Sunday, November 1, 2009

(The Vision) Introduction

Habakkuk 2:2,3

The LORD answered me, "Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.

For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hurries toward the end, and won't prove false. Though it takes time, wait for it; because it will surely come.

It won't delay.

THE VISION: introduction (from the words of Habakkuk 2:2,3) 7/25/09

The word visuals comes from the word vision. We use visuals to help with communication. God did this first…we’ve just caught on that it is a very effective means of getting people to grasp and remember what we are trying to say.

If people cannot understand or grasp what we are trying to communicate, then why do it?

We need some way that works. Visuals work.

Visuals work in the spiritual realm as well as the physical realm. Paul actually prayed this for the Ephesians…”that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened”…in other words, “for your heart to see”. In that instance, it would validate the phrase, “seeing is believing”.

God wants us to “see” what He is saying so we don’t forget it and so that we will grasp and understand His communication. God doesn’t waste our time…if He speaks, it’s important.

Jesus spoke in “visual stories” we know as parables. He effectively used everyday things to reveal the heart messages of the Kingdom of God. It was powerful….and still is to us today.

Every moment God communicates to us who He is and what He is like through the visuals of nature. Nature is a visual that is actually “alive”…only God could do that and go to such extremes to communicate to us. This is His heart…the heart of love. Love is clear and simple.

God is the Great Communicator…we learn from Him how to communicate. Period.

In this passage He tells Habakkuk that He will give Him a “vision” (visual message).

It must be important because God tells him to engrave it plainly so that those running by can grasp it quickly. That’s like a billboard along side a highway….it’s big; it’s plain and you only have a short amount of time to read it cause you’re speeding by.

What is God’s billboard for our generation that is speeding by daily?

I believe He is communicating to us now that He is giving a vision that is for a time yet to come in His plan. This is a time of “preparing”…but what is He preparing us for? We need to know.

I have no idea…I am asking this and by faith looking for “the vision” that needs to be written down for this generation. Will you look and listen as well?

For the next 9 weeks (hopefully on Mondays) I will be sending out an email message based on these verses. Each email I will take a different phrase from these verses and give a short thought to ponder.

I pray that it will kindle a seeking heart and a sober watch for the vision He is giving us now.

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