Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Getting Ready...understanding dreams

Getting Ready….Understanding Dreams


I have journeyed with a couple of friends in the faith over the last couple of years asking the Holy Spirit to teach us about dreams…understanding and interpreting them. I believe God wants us to desire that. It has been a very rich, deepening experience…we all have learned a lot and are having the eyes of our heart opened in new ways.

Everybody dreams. Everybody.

God is the originator/inventor of dreams. They are His idea…His language.

We don’t “make” dreams happen at night…they just do.

The bible many stories with dreams by different people. Each one was used significantly in the unfolding plan of God. The bible says that God still speaks through dreams today.

Are we trying to discern, through the Spirit, what He is saying to us (and through us) in this visual language that is in every person?

As we begin to go before our Maker with our dreams and sit at His feet daily to learn and discover His voice in them, it is one of the most fascinating journeys! I thank God He has put that desire in me to be a student of dreams and to learn. What about you?

Perhaps in the turbulent times ahead, being able to interpret dreams by the Holy Spirit will be a way to help others know Jesus Christ…perhaps they will listen to us because we will be able to accurately reveal what only God knows…and Has shown us to tell them.

Wouldn’t that be worth the journey now?

Did you dream last night?

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