Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Speak into the air

SPEAK INTO THE AIR November 4, 2007

A very simple thought…..that has a lot of power….words that are spoken into the air.

Words that are kept in the mind are not as powerful as words that are spoken out.

This works both ways…for good and for evil. I think we all can think of examples of this.

In the Kingdom of God, I believe this to be true especially. “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”. First we speak….and we ignite the words with faith….it releases the eternal purposes of God. Simple and effective.

Why is this?

When God created everything we read about in Genesis at the beginning….He “spoke His words into the air” and “life happened”. The Great Creator released His power to create through His words….fascinating….but undeniably true!

When the Lord Jesus was described by John, He wrote under the power and accuracy of the Holy Spirit, “In the beginning was the Word….”

“Word” is capitalized….meaning, He’s talking about a Person….the Lord Jesus.

Words are a big deal in the Kingdom of God. They are indeed special and they are chalked full of the power of God to bring His life and His purposes into being. His words carry with them the authority of the King of the Universe that is Supreme and Lord over all things…in heaven and on earth.

Wonderful consideration: He wants to co-partner with us to speak His words into the air around us….to be His agents of giving His life to others and circumstances around us.

But…..they must be His words (not ours) and they must be anointed by the Holy Spirit to be released at the right moment. ( Have you noticed how the Holy Spirit’s work is always punctuated with the issue of “timing”?)

God speaks in many ways….one of the most important ways is by the Holy Scriptures….but let’s face it, that is not the only way….otherwise we would be confined to only quote scripture and life is just not like that. God understands that about being human on the planet earth in the time of history we live in and He has also given us His Holy Spirit of Truth to whisper His words in our hearts. This is wonderful beyond what I can express!

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